Businesses have long been advised to engage in active dialogues with their customers and prospects. The problem was, historically, these interactions tended to take a long time. Maybe you sent out a customer survey and waited weeks or months to gather the data. Or perhaps you launched a product or service and then waited anxiously for the online reviews to start popping up.
A three-step strategy to save tax when selling appreciated vacant land
When do valuable gifts to charity require an appraisal?
Businesses must face the reality of cyberattacks and continue fighting back
Pay attention to the tax rules if you turn a hobby into a business
8 key features of a customer dispute resolution process for businesses
Federal regulators expand overtime pay requirements, ban most noncompete agreements
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has issued a new final rule regarding the salary threshold for determining whether employees are exempt from federal overtime pay requirements. The threshold is slated to jump 65% from its current level by 2025 and is expected to make four million additional workers eligible for overtime pay.